Together with people of goodwill around the world, we stand with the people of Ukraine in their hour of struggle. We hold in our hearts the vulnerable and endangered lives who are now faced with the reality of overwhelming military aggression.
Warfare and the unbridled quest for power corrupts the human soul, and dishonours the God of love who came among us as the Prince of Peace. There is no place in God’s Kingdom for unjust military aggression, domination and silencing the voices of a free people.
We trust in the God whose life-giving Spirit moved across the waters and calmed the stormy seas. “Peace I leave with you,” Jesus said “My peace I give to you.” We pray for that peace in Ukraine and everywhere God’s beloved children are hurting or in peril.
Together, let us pray:
God of the nations, our hope is ever in you. We hold before you this day the people of Ukraine as they face the tragedy of war in their land. Strengthen and comfort them in their fear and protect them from danger. Have compassion on the broken-hearted and all in harm’s way, especially the most vulnerable who are unable to find places of safety. Pour out your grace and wisdom on the hearts and minds of the leaders involved that war may cease and a peaceful resolution found. May truth, justice, and freedom prevail. We ask this in your most holy name. Amen.