Dear Friends,
Some Notices that did not make it into the Parish Newsletter this weekend: TODAY: Waterford Interfaith Group: Celebrating All Faiths Town Walk, this afternoon gathering at 3pm at the Applemarket, where the Mayor will join us and finishing at City Hall where refreshments will be served. MC: Revd Christine. (If you want to escape the Rugby this afternoon come and join us! The sun has come out to shine on us.) THIS EVENING: There is a candlelight vigil today at 5pm at the Ukrainian Embassy in Dublin. May I suggest that we light a candle in our windows, to show our support for the people of Ukraine? Please pass this message on to your friends and family. WEDNESDAY 2ND MARCH: The beginning of Lent and the Leaders of All Christian Churches Designated Day of Prayer and Fasting for Ukraine. Please join in prayer at some stage on the day (Zoom links sent out tomorrow) 9.00 am FaceBook Live Morning Prayer: Revd Christine 9,30am Zoom Morning Prayer: Revd Christine 11am The Cathedral: Morning Prayer: Revd Christine 9.30pm Zoom Late Evening Office: Revd Christine MEETING OF THE SELECT VESTRY: Wednesday 2nd March via zoom at 7.30pm. WALKS IN THE PARK & ON THE PROM WILL RECOMMENCE THIS TUESDAY AT 4PM IN THE PARK AND ON FRIDAY AT 11AM ON THE PROM, TRAMORE. Quote of the Week: "This is NOT a moment for the church to 'stay out of politics'. This is thex, Catholicmoment for churches all over the world: Anglican, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, to unite, pray and act URGENTLY to resist this evil invasion of Ukraine and support the Ukrainian people in every way possible." - Revd Nicky Gumbel (Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton and creator of the Alpha course)