How you can donate and
help Christ Church Cathedral?
You can support the Cathedral in a variety of different ways, such as volunteering, donating or leaving a legacy. Please click on the links below to find out more.
Ways you can donate:
Become A Volunteer
Our team of volunteers assist across all areas of Cathedral life. Our volunteers are drawn from across the city and beyond, you do not even have to be a member of the parish to become a volunteer. If you are considering joining as a volunteer, find out more about the exciting ways you can help.
Make A One-Off Donation
It is quick, easy and secure to give money to the Cathedral. Giving to the Cathedral will help preserve a key part of Waterford’s heritage. It is only through your generosity that the Church can fully provide for the whole community in our spirit of welcome and service.
Monthly Or Recurring Donations
Regular giving assists the Cathedral with annual budgeting and with planning future activities. You can support the Cathedral through a regular donation monthly, quarterly or annually. Just a few euros a month would make an instant impact.
Leave A Legacy
Leaving us a gift in your Will can help sustain the Cathedral for future generations. Even a small legacy can make a big difference.
Wills and Bequests
The Christian Church has been a strong influence on our lives for over 2000 years. It would be much appreciated when making your will if you remember us in it. This would financially help us to meet the many challenges in the years ahead.

Make your donation go further with Tax Relief on your Donation
If you are an Irish taxpayer, the value of your donation can be increased by allowing us to reclaim tax on your donation. For every €250 donated, the Cathedral can claim back €112 of tax at no additional cost to you, therefore a gift of €250 is worth €362 once tax is reclaimed.
For tax relief to apply to your donations an amount of at least €250 must be donated per annum. All you need to do is complete a form called an ‘Enduring Certificate’. This form only needs to be completed once every five years and is available from the Cathedral Office.
This ‘Enduring Certificate’ covers all gifts, whether cash in envelopes on the collection plate, standing orders, cheques or “one-off” gifts. Whichever way you give, the church must be able to identify you as the donor, but all records remain confidential.