Life Events
At Christ Church Cathedral, we are here to support those in our community during times of joy and
at times of loss– the baptism of children and adults, confirmation, marriage and the commemoration
of those who have died.

Baptisms usually take place on designated Sundays at the 10.00am service. This is a joyful occasion when the whole church family gathers to welcome their newest members. There is no charge for
baptism, it is a gift that is offered freely and lovingly, but some people do like to give a donation to help towards the work and maintenance of the Cathedral.
Marriage is an important decision in anyone's life and by getting married at Christ Church Cathedral you are not only making your commitment to each other in a beautiful, awe-inspiring building, you are also making your marriage vows before God and we will pray for God's blessing on your future
life together. You will also be standing on the same ground where Strongbow and Aoife were
married in 1170.

Funerals and Memorial Services
Funerals and memorial services mark the end of a person’s life here on earth. Family and friends
come together to give thanks for a life, to express grief, and commend the person into God’s care. If
you have recently lost a loved one, please get in touch. We will help you in any way we can,
including with our prayers. To reach a member of the clergy for an emergency, please call Very Rev.
Bruce Hayes on 086 2327349 or Rev. Dr. Christine O’Dowd-Smyth on 087 293 3461.
The Cathedral clergy will be happy to guide you and answer any questions that you may have about
baptisms, weddings or funerals. In the first instant please email contact.christchurch@gmail.com
and we will respond as soon as possible to your enquiry.