Wills and Bequests
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
[Hebrews 13:16]
The Christian Church has been a strong influence on our lives for over 2000 years. It would be much appreciated when making your will if you remember us in it. This would financially help us to meet the many challenges in the years ahead.
Your bequest to our Cathedral would have an impact, for not just this generation, but for several to come. As we know, it is important that we make a will regardless of age or financial situation.
The practical and spiritual effect of a bequest to a charity cannot be over-emphasised. Whether large or small, a donation very often “lightens the load” on a charity when it is most needed.
Before making a bequest, the needs of the family should take first consideration, and perhaps such a bequest can be done in discussion with those who are closest to you. For example, you may wish to give a specific asset, or the residue of your estate. Your solicitor will be able to guide you through options and wording to make a bequest.

Suggested wording for your gift as contained in your will:
“I GIVE, DEVISE AND BEQUEATH...[here insert clear particulars of the benefaction i.e., a particular sum of money, specific property, a share of the residue, etc.] to Christ Church Cathedral Waterford in trust for...[here insert clear particulars of the object for which the benefaction is to be applied ]… or, for such charitable purposes as Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford may time to time in its absolute discretion approve and, I direct that any funds received by Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford in pursuance of this my Will and to further any of the above-mentioned ends, may be invested in any investments or securities whatsoever in its sole discretion and in all respects as if it were absolutely and beneficially entitled thereto. The receipt of the Honorary Secretary of the Select Vestry of Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford or any trustee of the Cathedral for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.”
Your own Solicitor will check the final wording in professional and impartial way to ensure that your intention is reflected in your will. If you would like further information, please contact the Honorary Treasurer through the Cathedral Office.